The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority(CIAA) have filed charge sheets at the Special Court, demanding 12-year jail sentence for top officials of Nepal Electricity Authority, including Managing Director Rameshwar Yadav, in the Rs 411 million transformer purchase deal. Indeed is a ground breaking action in the history to fight against Corruption.With such concrete action at a transitional time like this CIAA needs to be applauded for the action.
The officials have been charged with amassing property worth Rs 318 million in the purchase deal deal of transformers. The country lies at the stake of resources and corrupt officials like these empty the government finances which degrades the system. Corruption itself is not a disease but the system and people inside it make it vulnerable where it makes and exercises its network. Corruption spreads like a disease engulfing morale and ethic leaving a person with no values. Under no circumstance or condition a corrupt leader or a official can make the right judgement, his aspiration will be an inspired by a version that motives him/her to make the wrong decision.
This is certainly a learning lesson for all the government officials to at least think about it before doing any corruption.
The officials have been charged with amassing property worth Rs 318 million in the purchase deal deal of transformers. The country lies at the stake of resources and corrupt officials like these empty the government finances which degrades the system. Corruption itself is not a disease but the system and people inside it make it vulnerable where it makes and exercises its network. Corruption spreads like a disease engulfing morale and ethic leaving a person with no values. Under no circumstance or condition a corrupt leader or a official can make the right judgement, his aspiration will be an inspired by a version that motives him/her to make the wrong decision.
This is certainly a learning lesson for all the government officials to at least think about it before doing any corruption.