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Saturday, September 7, 2013

Against Terrorism means Against Humanity

The Obama Government is about to attack Syria and we all know its the next Afghanistan. I am not against terrorism but killing people in the name of terrorism is also another level of terrorism...........

US government might seem prepared for the attack but one thing we should know is what is happening in Syria is their internal matter, US posing as a  world power can help Syria resolve the issue by diplomacy but not by infiltrating in with sides. The current position of US in Syrian case is a mere impulsive decision made by the Obama Government in retrospect of US powers. US needs to understand that the title of super power comes with greater responsibility not with the feeling of being GOD.  

With high videos of Syrian government attacking its own civilians with nerve gases and the killings happening is not a context of normal order but to resolve such matters we have United Nation and other alleged forces. The present contest of Syria certainly calls for desperate measures but not for the US but for the concerning power to act against such genocide against humanity. The implication of this might cause drastic impact in the image and security position of the US itself where I think it needs to realize and reorganize.

 The America in its cruised against terrorism is imposing world domination, which can be clearly seen. One cannot take the sovereignty of other country in act of any country's domination in respect of any cause. If that is the case then every country must be given the right to fight for its security issue with its power. There should be no limitation in respect to containing Nuclear weapon and its use.

The US government portraying a broad image might win by the military power but with cyber space they are as vulnerable as anyone. Recently the Syrian Space Army attacking the website of the New York Times has clearly shown the impact of what can be done. In a country where every thing runs by network and infiltrating the network and causing damage is just an ordinary man's capability of just pushing one button. Cyber terrorism and warfare is the next generation of threat that is silent as well as more devastating. The US posing as a super power and contemplating its rivals is yet another example of weak US mentality where massive destruction can be done. As we all know Russia and Iran are already in watch and support of the Syria so any action towards the Syria government can impose threat to the US.

One thing is for sure that US is vulnerable in every possible way and if US is considered attacking other countries than other super powers are also waiting and watching for their turn.

Highlighting this the US government has already declared the month of October as Cyber Awareness month and is further processing its security threats online. .........................

HUMANITY can be restored by dialogues and diplomacy not by GUN Mr US President......


Friday, September 6, 2013

Us embassy in Nepal allocating USD 175,000 for one tube well

In a recent news published in The Himalayan Times , about the American embassy in Nepal or US embassy in Nepal reported that " A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Embassy of the United States in Kathmandu and the Armed Police Force today to construct deep tube wells near designated open spaces in the Kathmandu Valley.  A press statement issued by the US Embassy said these wells will allow the APF to better serve the citizens in the event of a disaster by providing safe drinking water to displaced people. The deep tube wells will be built using Nepali contractors and construction companies. The estimated cost of one tube well is about $175,000. As per the MoU, a total of six to seven deep tube wells will be built, the construction for which will begin in November." 

My attention was directed towards the figures as the  estimated cost of one deep tube well is about $175,000, if one deep tube well cost approximate Nrs 189,00000, then you can imagine of the total cost and funding. It is indeed a good initiative of the  US embassy in Nepal but the cost are whopping the charts.

I seriously think there is a Mistake or  corruption happening. how can a well be so expensive. Apart from that Nepal has no foreign aid policy where most of the money allocated by the donor agencies are spended on foreign human resource and consultants. so at the end of the day the numbers might look big but the resources and allocation of budgets are very small in operation.  
Foreign aid policy should be based by analyzing the need  of the particular country. In recent years, Nepal’s foreign policy is directed towards mobilizing bilateral and international cooperation through inducting the policy of “Economic Diplomacy”, where economic independence has been overlooked. There is no debate on whether Nepal needs foreign aid or not, but the prime concern is of raising its productivity through effective utilization of foreign aid and economic independence.

Security threat for Nepal and India in absence of a treaty

Nepal and India both the countries are at the verge of being exploited by criminals and terrorists in regards of their safety and operation of criminal activities in both location. Due to diplomatic relationship and  open broader both the countries are being targeted by criminals and terrorists for their  activities and operations.  In one hand both countries are silent about the specific diplomatic treaty  to handle  cross country crime and criminal activities where as on the other side both countries have been successfully holding their operation in nabbing criminals. 

Despite the absence of the treaty both countries have been handing over criminals and terrorists across the border without anything on record to show they were arrested in another country.

Current provision 
During the Twelfth SAARC Summit (Islamabad, 4-6 January 2004) the Council of Ministers signed the Additional Protocol to the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism. The purpose of this Additional Protocol is to strengthen the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism, particularly by criminalizing the provision, collection or acquisition of funds for the purpose of committing terrorist acts and taking further measures to prevent and suppress financing of such acts. Similarly  at the Fourteenth SAARC Summit (New Delhi, 3-4 April 2007), the Heads of State or Government agreed to work on the modalities to implement the provisions of the existing SAARC Conventions to combat terrorism, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, trafficking in women and children and other transnational crimes.

Similarly the Times of India quotes, " Yasin Bhatkal, one of India's most wanted terrorists responsible for several bombings that have claimed over 140 lives, has been arrested.

The 30-year-old, whose real name is Ahmed Siddibappa, was picked up from Pokhara in Nepal where he was living in the guise of a Unani doctor. The successful operation of the Intelligence Bureau, which was facilitated by Nepal, also yielded a bonus in the form of Asadullah Akhtar alias Haddi, an absconding front-ranking member of the Azamgarh module of the Indian Mujahideen (IM) who had played a crucial role in the 2011 serial blasts in Mumbai."

Hindustan times quotes  " Like Tunda, who was shown as arrested from the Indo-Nepal border earlier this month, Indian authorities said that Bhatkal was arrested along the border on Thursday and not on Nepali soil.

“Bhatkal was arrested on the Indo-Nepal border and we can confirm that he was not nabbed in Nepal,” said Indian Embassy spokesperson Abhay Kumar.

Though tunda and Bhatkal both were arrested in Nepal by the Indian security agencies but Indian government has refused to accept it in media due to the lack of cooperation in legal terms. On one hand the India security agencies being active in  Nepal and holding security operations solely are against the sovereignty of Nepal where as on the other hand Nepal Government turning a blind eye to the activities of Indian security agencies is yet another issue of broad discussion.  

In both ways diplomacy is required in transparent way  as terrorism is a hideous act against humanity and cannot be taken for-granted but the way and methods used to bypass  foreign diplomacy in the name of security cannot be overlooked.  Indian government cannot overlook and  step the sovereignty of Nepal in the name of security when we already have provisions through SAARC, Interpol and UN.

CRUX is Indian government and its  security agencies  have to be more vigilant about Nepal's sovereignty issues and should develop further better prospect of cooperation than to create embarrassing situation for both countries. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pathetic facebook likes game

what a pathetic mentality ?

A n unofficial fan page of Kantipur TV  is playing the likes game in the name of  a national level match. facebook likes has indeed become a craze where different people are crossing their limits to gain the most likes in their post and pages . Like such a reputed national television pleaded to public in the name of nationalism to like their post.

Why are they requesting the public in the name of nationality to like their post? its just a game between Nepal Vs India . Though Nepalis are biased and have a soft corner towards their nation but is it practical and authentic to do something like this..................

Education System in Nepal degrading

You might be surprised to know the education system in Nepal has degraded to a level where it has lost its meaning of standardization. There is not standard or limitation in terms of quality. There is a huge gap of education system that practices a difference of economic status. From a government school that suppose to be free to private schools that charge thousands there is no baseline in terms of quality.
Isn't the education at both institutions supposed to be the same? But that is not the same parent are nagged   to pay more money where private schools have made education a business.

The private schools are demanding large amount of fee ranging from NRS 1000 to NRS 13000 that too for basic schooling  depending upon schools. In addition to that prior admission the parents have to go through a phase of interview where their financial status is well evaluated and they are compelled to committee their support at times of financial need to the schools. Isn't this an exploitation ?

 Similarly in a new start one of the very popular school has been demanding money from the parents in the name of constructing an earthquake escape shelter for children that would prevent any disaster during earthquake.

The total budget is estimate to be 100 million and the parents have been pressured to support 1.2 million in total. Is this a joke the same school charge a tuition fee of NRS 13,000 and still they request the parent to support the school. Insane I must say.

This is lootantra where the private schools are flourishing in the name of knowledge. They have sidelined their ethic and morale……………………….


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Nepal lack leaders with proper vision

Recently one of the youth leader of Nepali Congress Gagan Thapa was caught on TV saying, "Politics should not be infiltrated in school level and teachers should not be given the right to be a political member."

I was surprised to hear this from a young leader, first thing politics is a hot issue in Nepal, knowingly and unknowingly we all have our preferences but what I fail to understand is how can a leader have such a limited vision.

Today Nepal’s education system suffers the consequences of political infiltration and manipulation. The education system is ruled by union leaders of different political parties where they control the future of thousands of students. In the past we have seen and experienced political youth leaders cancelling national level examinations, holding bandha(strike program) on the day of examination risking the future of millions of students .
Apart from that doing gundagardi(hooliganism) and felony in the name of college politics is yet another disadvantage. Reality is our political culture has deep rooted in student’s politics in the name of numbers where political parties need student workers to make their program success. 
 Though student politics dates back to the revolt of Rana regime in view of patriotism but today it has transcended into a factory of making "Gundas" who have no vision but only political agendas and manifestos.

Gundas politics in Nepal has taken over so much that each political party has been associated with criminals.
My question to him is how can a leader who is supposed to lead a country or influence the country's policy have limited mentality. I think politics should be PROHIBITED from education system. Politics and political leaders should not be allowed to enter the premises of any school or college. It is an individual choice and we are in democracy , a lawful citizen of Nepal has every right to follow or to be labeled with any political party but infiltrating the education system risking the future is my OBJECTION. 

We considered our schools and colleges as temples where most of the students come to learn but they are brain washed and are fueled in the dirty game of manipulation and power play. A country invested a lot of money for quality education and in such pristine institution politics makes students irresponsible, corrupt and gives them the freedom to do anything. This in long run take the form of a leader who is corrupt and who has only one vision to promote bad politics.

 Our political culture is very intimidated by ethics and morale but when it comes to practice it has no implication. We have leaders who are hollow in practice of their image and agendas.

Just by being good in dialogue and blaming their own political leaders doesn't makes you a hero, you have to first adapt the mentality of "NATION FIRST" ideology in retrospect of   what can be done

Mr. Thapa I object your thought...................................

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Against Corruption

The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority(CIAA) have filed charge sheets at the Special Court, demanding 12-year jail sentence for top officials of Nepal Electricity Authority, including Managing Director Rameshwar Yadav, in the Rs 411 million transformer purchase deal. Indeed is a ground breaking action in the history to fight against Corruption.With such concrete action at a transitional time like this  CIAA needs to be applauded for the action.

The officials have been charged with amassing property worth Rs 318 million in the purchase deal deal of transformers. The country lies at the stake of resources and corrupt officials like these empty the government finances which degrades the system. Corruption itself is not a disease but the system and people inside it make it  vulnerable where it makes and exercises its network. Corruption spreads like a disease engulfing morale and ethic leaving a person with no values. Under no circumstance or condition a corrupt leader or a official can make the right judgement, his aspiration will be an inspired by a version that motives him/her to make the wrong decision.

This is certainly a learning lesson for all the government officials to at least think about it before doing any corruption.    

Cruelty against Animal

Nepal has been hit by the epidermic of  H5N1 (Bird flu), technically looking at the problem, the virus has been spread due to the use of anti bird flu vaccination (made in US) where the government of Nepal has already banned the use of such vaccine . Nepal has been a testing ground for countries like US where they send their primary level vaccine to study the effect and implication but who cares our politicians and bureaucrats are more busy in their corruption and power games, they are least bothered till the time it takes form of a public chaos.

Places in and around Bhaktapur have been listed as a Red Alert Zone where different security measures are being taken. The public living in the red alert zone have been summoned to  kill all their domestic birds and pets. If they refuse to do so then they would have to face a public law suit against them. Every day the government officials mike the message in a loud speaker, threatening and intimidating the public, which is more of a precautionary measure. My question to you is, is it a scientific measure of dealing with such a problem creating panic and hitting public sentiment.

One of my friend who lives in Mulpani says, "My pet pigeons have just taken out babies  from their shells, everyday the officials come and  have been publicly  announcing the message. I don't know what  to do, neither I can I kill them nor can I throw them out of my house. It's a dharma sankat for me."

Killing  birds and pets like this in the name of a epidermic, is it a good move? Should we not be more HUMAN towards our pets? Where is our HUMANITY what have we left behind............................

Since July 16  the government has culled over 1.2 million fowls in around one and half months, basically in four districts 871,000 fowls have been culled alone in Bhaktapur district. The remaining fowls were destroyed in Kathmandu, Lalitpur and Kavre district.The Department has further destroyed 1.3 million eggs along with a large amount of feed and excreta.Till now the government has  distributed compensation worth Rs 58.5 million.


WE NEED TO DO  BETTER THAN THIS ...............................................

Bird flu virus was first detected in Jhapa district in 2009, officials say that avian influenza (virus) has changed its nature and has evolved in new form H5N1. From July 17 Kathmandu has seen a terror of bird flu where poultry product were ban in the country for a week highlighting public safety.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mahindra e2o and its prospects in Nepal

Mahindra has recently launched its new version in the new concept car  in Nepal. Mahindra e2o is an urban electric car hatchback manufactured by Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles. The e2o is the REVA G-Wiz successor and was developed using REVA's technology, and has a range of 100 km (62 mi). The electric car was launched in India in March 2013 at a price between Rs 6.5 lakh (US$11,900) to Rs 8.5 lakh (US$15,670) depending on the city and before any subsidy.

Priced at Rs 2.2 million, the hatchback will go on sale at Agni Energy - the exclusive showroom of Mahindra Reva in Kathmandu.

The company claims Mahindra e2o  to be  perfect amalgam of the dramatic advancements in automotive technology. This car is powered by next generation lithium-ion batteries and a three-phase induction electric motor. This means the vehicle needs no changing of gears in bumper-to-bumper traffic. With a small turning radius, it makes every sharp turn a delight. The Mahindra e2o comes with a 6.2-inch touchscreen, factory fitted GPS navigation system, radio, DVD, Bluetooth and iPod connectivity. The full digital cluster, electrically operated wing mirrors, keyless entry and start/stop button, projector head lamps, LED tail lamps, reverse camera, four JBL speakers and two tweeters make the features of the Mahindra e2o comparable to most high end cars.

The e2o weight is 830 KG which is very heavy for a car this range, the weight certainly puts alot of pressure in the operation.
2.Space management: The e2o is very constricted and limited and has optimum use in regards to space management. Though it has 4 seats but in terms of comfort its a okay drive for short period. If you are thinking of a long drive then its not a solution.
3.Price: In context of Nepal the prices are very high. If the Government initiates no 200% custom duty, may be then it can attract people's attention or else its just a concept car in terms of high gadgetary and technology  
4.Battery: The car runs for 100 KM per charge that takes 5 hrs of full charging. It's limitation is its battery that makes it a city car that can't explore.

If the Nepal Government initiates a policy in regards to use and import of this electric vehicle and cuts the 200% custom duty and sets the price up to 1 million then this car will certainly have a prospect. And in long term it will also promote the use of electric vehicles or else its against the public policy for the the Nepal government to pressure the public to pay more taxes in promoting petrol vehicle ............
Past Story of Electric Vehicle in Nepal In 2001, REVA Electric Car Company renewed the distributorship for Nepal with Eco-Visions Pvt. Ltd.  In 2002 (Feb), the first five REVA cars were imported into Nepal via Birgunj Customs under the promised 10 per cent Duty. In 2002 (Mar), Birgunj Customs refused to release the cars at the gazetted10% Duty, requested clarification from Kathmandu Customs Department. In 2002 (Apr), customs requested Ministry of Population and Environment (MOPE) if these five cars were really electric cars and if they required the conformity of production (COP).
The MOPE reply positively confirming that they are electric cars and did not require COP as they have zero pollution. Still, Finance Ministry refused to release the cars and held the file for no apparent reason.
In 2002 (Jul), in New Budget released the electric car tax was increased to 100 per cent from the existing 10 per cent. Eco-Visions applied to release at the original gazette percent but the Finance Ministry refused.  Eco-Visions then refused to pay the high tax and the five cars were left in Birgunj Customs Yard.  In 2005 (Dec), after 4 years of many attempts, the 5 REVA cars were finally released from Birganj Customs via auction to Eco-Visions and brought to Kathmandu for restoration, registration and sale. All the cars were in very bad condition.

In 2006 (Apr), those cars were fully restored and applied to be registered in Bagmati Zone.  While awaiting the number plates, the 5 cars were driven “ON TEST” in the Kathmandu Valley. In 2006 (Jun), the Minister of Science and Technology ordered the Department of Transport to register the cars as they are non-polluting.

In 2006 (Jun), the Dept of Transport ordered Ekantakuna to register the cars but they refused the order demand a Cabinet decision to register them. In 2007 (May), after getting unanimous approval from Department of Transport, the KMC and the Valley Traffic Police in support of registering the cars in Bagmati, the new Minister of Science and Technology were requested to get the Cabinet signature to register the cars in Bagmati Zone.

Due to the raise in tax on electric vehicle from 10 percent to 100, the rate of REVA is raised from Rs. 867,105 to Rs. 1,545,093. At 0% Duty and VAT free, it is only Rs. 698,177. REVA was waiting for cabinet’s decision to register it long time ago and cabinet is busy discussing in other important issues.

Finally REVA got permission from cabinet for its registration on 4th July 2007. We Nepalese hope that Nepal Government will be serious on environment issues and reduce the tax on electric vehicles in future because it is important to realize the problem of worsening environment of the city.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Chaudhary Group bargaining with the public for a national Award

Chaudhary Group, the international Organization which recently buzzed the news  for its Chiarman Binod Chaudhary being enlisted as the first Nepali billionaire in Forbes has been bargaining the public for a National Award. The FNCCI National Excellence Awards 2070 brings in cut throat competition in the business fraternity that seems to contradict the morale and ethic of business. Even international organization like Chaudhary Group is tempting public to vote in their favor with the bate of Prize award to be used for CSR

What a Joke?

They have advertise that They will be  donating Rs.5 for Social cause for each vote they receive. Instead, if they had donated money without any corporate motive, they would have bagged the national Award  and many other achievements.

On morale grounds directly intimidating the public saying if we win, we will use the prize money for CSR is something that is unexpected and un-ethical from an international organization like Chaudhary Group. If the Organization has such level of thinking then its hard to say how its surviving the market........

Chaudhary Group (CG), is a conglomerate that consists of nearly 80 companies. Chaudhary also worked as a member of constituent assembly and parliament of Nepal from April 2008 to May 2012 that could not bring the constitution. In the past Mr Chaudhary Grop have been related with big controversies of tax embezzlement. 

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