The Ministry has adopted high priority over the vehicle pollution and its emission issue where recently it initiated the banned of two stoke tempos’ which emitted a lot of green house gases from the valley. Apart from that the ministry has also facilitated the use of the Electric vehicles (EV) known as the Safa Tempos. More or less, there are things happing where the ministry holds rallies and awareness campaign on environment day focusing the various aspects of pollution and conservation, but is limited and questionable.
Facilitating the environment, the Ministry in coordination with the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation has established various programs of community forest and tree plantation which to an extent have given successful results in raising awareness about environment in the locals. Amid the limited resources, orthodox system and bureaucracy, this seems more than what could be expected.
Regarding the international organization, basically there are more than a dozen of international organizations working in the field; most prominently the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), World wide fund (WWF) and IUCN are the basic organizations that work for the cause. The big INGOs with huge grants and funds, hosts various meeting and conferences in 5 star hotels where the donation money is waste in lavish parties. Contemplating the scenario only a negligible amount of money is spent on the real cause. These International organizations highlight their concern over the growing environmental problems within the reports and presentations which are just limited within conferences and meetings. On real ground nothing checks in where Million of dollars are being wasted in the name of awareness.
In one of my experience in a discussion program on climate change and its affects, one of the participant state that, “Nepal being a small country stands no point in the international arena. Our voice stand no where and our contribution towards green house gases is also very less but reality is global warming has hit us hard where physical evidences are clearly visible. In fact raising awareness in Nepal has no point because it would not effect in any way where our voice do no count in the international arena.”
The discussion ended in a controversial way but reality is do we need awareness because till the time powerful countries like US, and UK realize that their emission has affected the atmosphere and till the time they take action against it, I think raising awareness in somewhat like treating nose when u have a tooth ache.
By Shreedeep Rayamajhi
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